
If you are looking for a fun, energetic work out then look no further

Tuesday 18th April 2023

Ian from Momentum Fitness

Spring is in the air and the lighter nights and hopefully warmer weather (it will come!) could be all the inspiration you need to start focusing on getting outdoors and getting fit. If you are looking for a fun, energetic work out then look no further than Lakeside Village – yes you heard us right, at 6pm Monday to Thursday people gather on the mall for fitness sessions run by Momentum Fitness. Here Ian, who leads the sessions tells us more.

I was in the army for 16 years and used to train soldiers, when I came out I knew that these were skills that I could use to help people in my local area to get fit. I’m Doncaster born and bred and from Askern so its great to be working with people in my home city to help them to focus on their health.

The sessions I run are military style classes, they are great fun as well as focusing on exercise they get people out of the house and help them to get fit.

Group of people taking part in outdoors fitness class at Lakeside Village
Group of people taking part in outdoors fitness class at Lakeside Village

We’re outdoors so we brave the elements, spring is a great time to come and try out the sessions as the nights are lighter and the weather should hopefully be a bit warmer for us all.

Come down to the centre and give it a try, we are a very welcoming bunch. I always say you can’t change the past, but you can change the future and these sessions offer a great chance to meet new people, get moving and get fit.

People take part in gym class outdoors on the Lakeside Lawn
People take part in gym class outdoors on the Lakeside Lawn

You’ll see us at the centre from Monday to Thursday evenings at 6pm and the sessions run for an hour. We focus on different things from heart and lungs to strength and have people between the ages of 16 and 70 taking part. Don’t think that you are not fit enough to join in, I know that taking that first step to fitness can be difficult but if you come and give it a go you’ll see that we have people of all abilities joining in and having fun and a good laugh at my classes. Each session costs £5 or we have a package where people can pay £30 per month and have access to up to three sessions a week.