Cookie’s First Pupdate

The latest guide dog puppy has been born and the name Cookie was chosen by Lakeside Village visitor Elisha Gug.
A few weeks ago, Cookie moved in with Puppy Walker, Anne, and will be staying with her for the next year or so. Cookie will be learning the basics during her time with Anne, which will form the foundations of her guide dog training.
We’ve recently been in touch with Anne to find out how Cookie has been getting on.
Cookie settled into her new home really quickly and was sleeping through the night within a couple of weeks. The basic commands have been introduced to Cookie already and she has got the hang of ‘sit’ and is very responsive.
Cookie has lots of toys to play with at home, all of which are played with regularly. She really likes noisy toys and also enjoys dragging teddies around, most are bigger than her. She also likes to snuggle up to her favourite teddy in bed each night.
We hope you have enjoyed Cookie’s first pupdate; she’s made an excellent start to her training and we’re sure this progress will continue in the months to come.

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