
ProCook share their tips on how to carve the perfect turkey

Friday 10th December 2021

Turkey on a table with crockery and wine

“Who’s going to carve the turkey?” – It’s often the one ceremonial job on Christmas Day that’s left to the last minute, with guests a little unsure about which knife to use and where to start carving.

ProCook has come to the rescue this Christmas with their six-step-guide to carving the perfect turkey.

Get started…

  1. Let the turkey rest. This will allow plenty of time for the turkey to reabsorb the juices, ensuring it is extra succulent. Turkeys between 4-6kg should be rested for 1½ hours, and ones from 6-10kg can rest for two.
  2. Place the turkey on a large, stable surface. Remove the string that ties the legs together.
  3. Remove the legs and thighs. Slice through the skin that connects the breast and the legs until you reach the joint. Take hold of the leg and push down gently to separate the leg and thigh from the bird. Turn the joint around and slice through the wing joint to remove, repeat on the other side and set them all aside to carve.
  4. Remove the breast meat. Find the breastbone in the middle of the turkey, and slice downwards on a slight angle to cut as close to the bone as possible. You may need to hold the breast meat and gently pull it away from the bone as you slice. Repeat on the other side.
  5. Slicing your meat. To split your drumstick and thigh, slice through the joint that connects the two. Your drumsticks can be added straight to your serving platter, whilst you’ll need to hold your thigh bone firmly with a fork to remove the meat with your knife. To slice your breast meat, place on your carving board and cut against the grain, taking care to keep the skin intact.
  6. Serve. Transfer neatly to a serving platter and dress with fresh herbs for a truly festive feel.

Now you’re all set for Christmas Day, if you need some ideas on setting the dining table, see this blog.